Topic: 1948 F2 pick-up

lubinsk    -- 08-11-2010 @ 1:56 PM
  I am in need of a Ford Model"7HT" single barrel,down draft carbarator acceleratinf pump link "R" does anyone have any idea where I can get one? Thanks John

supereal    -- 08-11-2010 @ 2:15 PM
  John: The part number for the link is 1GA 9526. I don't believe they are reproduced. Give Baxter Ford parts a call. Don may have it, or know where it can be found 785/842-9256. Perhaps someone has a six cylinder carb you can obtain. We have had to buy old carbs just to get parts, more than once. I don't see the link listed in any of my books.

Norm    -- 08-11-2010 @ 6:24 PM
  Are you looking for the whole carb or just the link? In either case, I have one. If you are interested e-mail me at


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