Topic: 1941 Ford Pickup Hood Fit

FwJ1941    -- 07-17-2023 @ 11:38 AM
  Just purchased the 41 Pickup and the previous owner thought the hood might be a 40 hood. If correct
I understand that both the 40 & 41 pickup hoods are the same with the exception of chrome trim.
The fit is really off in that when down, the hood is pretty well aligned with the grill. The is way off at the back where it meets the firewall. It actually looks much narrower leaving a space of 1” + where it joins front of cab. I wonder if someone put a hood on m6 pickup that was actually off a coupe or sedan. How could I identify this hood?
As you can see, I’m a newcomer with a lot to learn. I would sincerely appreciate an6 and all commentary, suggestions that you might provide.
Thank you!
Frank Jones
Central Iowa

Frank W Jones

trjford8    -- 07-26-2023 @ 7:54 AM
  In looking at your photos it appears you may have a passenger car hood. None of the pickup hoods in 40-41 had the stainless trim. The pickup hoods had a rib formed in the hood sides to match up with the rib in the doors. The cowl on a pickup is also different than the passenger car and they used different hinges on the pickup hood. There is a difference between the 40 and 41 pickup hoods but it is in the front latch mechanism and there is a difference in the grille where that latch attaches. Since you are a new owner you might want to purchase the V-8 Club's 40-41 pickup book for $10. It will tell you all the differences between the two pickups.

This message was edited by trjford8 on 7-26-23 @ 7:59 AM

FwJ1941    -- 07-28-2023 @ 6:05 PM
  Thank you so much for responding! I have just recently received the book you referenced and it’s full of great information. I’ve been able familiarize myself to those fine points of differentiating the various hoods. I agree with your statement as the present hood on the 1/2 pickup is approximately 2 1/4 inches narrower than the firewall where it rests in the closed position. I’m presently in search of a 41 1/2 ton pickup hood. They are out there but some of those are quite a distance from me and I really prefer to be able physically inspect the hoods before masking any commitment
to purchase.
Again I appreciate your sharing of this info with me and others whom may be viewing this post. It makes a very positive contribution towards us newbies. ??

Frank W Jones

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