Topic: 8cm road draft tube

Tracker    -- 07-26-2015 @ 10:05 PM
  In Flathead Jacks catalog, a plug is offered to block off the hole where the pipe comes out the manifold.

Can any one tell me what effects this may have on the performance of the stock engine if removed permanently ?

I want to remove the pipe because I have been unable to locate a new one that would stay put. I have seen others blocked off and it does look better on a show engine but those cars are never driven . Mine is driven about 75 mile month.


TomO    -- 07-27-2015 @ 6:43 AM
  The road draft tube provides ventilation for the oil pan and valve chamber. It is an important part of the cooling and oiling system of your car. Blocking it off could cause an excessive accumulation of sludge.

Which part of the tube are you having difficulty with? Do you have all of the clamps shown on the drawing?


This message was edited by TomO on 7-27-15 @ 6:46 AM

TomO    -- 07-27-2015 @ 6:48 AM
  I'm sorry the pdf file did not load properly, here is a jpg file


Tracker    -- 07-27-2015 @ 8:06 AM
  Its the top portion of the tube that comes loose from the manifold...I have all the right clamps in place. I have tried dang near everything to shim it with something to make it stay put but it has been abused in the past by some one trying to straighten it out at the base.

Thanks Tom


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