Topic: Redmond electric motor numbers

Merc Cruzer    -- 01-22-2014 @ 5:50 AM
  The electric motors (windows, seat, top and heater fan) in my 53' Merc convertible were all made by Redmond (as I would guess most Fords and Mercurys from the 40's to the early 70's). I am trying to put together at least one set of all origional motors for the car. I can pull numbers off of all except the top and heater fan. Would anyone have the "Redmond" numbers for those motors? I have the Ford/Mercury numbers from the parts books but I am looking for the Redmond numbers. I have attached a picture of one of the window motors showing the Redmond marking and numbers for reference.

supereal    -- 02-13-2014 @ 1:13 PM
  I assume that Redmond was a vendor to Ford Motor Company. I doubt that they still exist. You can try Hydro-E-Lectric, 800/343-4261. If they can't help, they may know of a source. We have had heater and other electric car motors repaired at a good local motor shop. Most applications are specialized, making them extremely hard to replace.

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