Topic: Re-installing trim following re-finishing

39mercury    -- 10-12-2013 @ 9:16 PM
  I removed all of the stainless from my 39 Mercury town sedan prior to having the car professionally re-painted. I was able to save some of the wire spring clips, and have purchased enough new clips so that the trim can be put back on the car. Having never re-installed trim I am looking for advice for the best method to use in order to avoid damaging the paint and the trim when compressing the clip and pushing it back into the hole in the body. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks

Steve Middleton 39 Mercury

supereal    -- 10-13-2013 @ 8:24 AM
  I don't reuse any old clips. Those that are rusty usually have lost much of their tension keeping the trim from seating against the body, and the threaded clips are mostly worthless, as well. Be. Sure the paint has fully cured. You can protect the finish around the trim with wide painters tape that will easily release when removed. Squeezing the spring clips with a long nose pliers will assist getting them thru the hole without pounding on the trim. On long pieces, having a helper is a good idea, as the trim can easily be bent or sprung, or rub against the new paint. Be sure all holes are fully open, and not full of paint before you begin.

39mercury    -- 10-13-2013 @ 2:12 PM
  Thanks for the help! I am going to follow your advice.


Tracker    -- 10-22-2013 @ 10:27 PM
  An old timer local painter showed me a neat trick re installing the stainless back on my 1951 Merc after painting

It involves using a right angle needle nose plier and coming down on the clip from the top. Buy the thinnest pair you can find so you reduce the risk of running into the paint,

Superreal is spot on about not re using your old spring clips and also about putting a spot of painters tape around each hole to be fitted with trim. It can be a fun job I found but easy to screw up if you rush it. Good luck,

Tracker    -- 10-22-2013 @ 10:39 PM
  PS to my previous post

I found the stainless to be very springy and can easily warp after being polished out...if you have this done suggest you keep polished side face down
on a covered flat surface.

Also it helps to check before installing the inside rim on the trim to see if it fits the clip properly before installation. The rim on mine had many low spots that would have impeded the clip edge fitting in to the trim. No fun to put it on and it doesn't fit and have to do it over again.

Just ask me how I know.....

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