Topic: Painting a '49 Merc engine correctly

36 conv sedan    -- 12-10-2011 @ 12:37 PM

I am slowly progressing with my '49's woody restoration and it is time to do the engine. It was rebuilt in the past and painted orange, and now I want to do it as it should have been. I already have it out of the car, while we do the firewall and chassis.

First question, is the color the same as in the 1949 Lincoln? I have seen two shades of green so far in Merc, a sort of bright hue greenish blue, and a sort of dull gray-green in others.

I ordered a copy of "The 1949-50-51 Ford Book" from the club, hoping it might help, though I know several things are not the same as in Mercs. The book, talks about early and late 1949 engines. Is this true for Mercs also? I ask because it says starting in October 1948 engines were painted already assembled. It says "Blocks, heads, intake manifolds, front covers and water pups were all painted blue prior to assembly and machined surfaces were unpainted". Of course, painting the full assembly would render a very different result as an unnasembled engine. So I guess I first need to know the answer to my question in these paragraph.

Then, ask what comes painted black and what comes engine color. I take it that oil filter, generator and air cleaner should be black but what about oil entrance tube and cap, oil dipstick and it's tube, wire holders, starter, etc.

Thanks for any help,

TomO    -- 12-11-2011 @ 9:26 AM
  Bill Hirsch has the correct green for your engine. It is different than the Lincoln green used in 1949.

There were early and late 49 Merc engines, but I don't know if there was a difference in the way they were painted. Check with Ron Westwood, the 49-51 Mercury Adviser.


36 conv sedan    -- 12-11-2011 @ 2:03 PM

Thanks for your response. I live in Mexico and getting the paint from Hirsch here could take veeeeeery long. They can only be shipped ground, and our mail is not precisely very efficient. Therefore, I am thinking of doing my best in getting the paint done locally, epoxy type which works very well on engines (I have done some others that way).

Can you or anybody else tell me if the one in the pic attached (got it from the internet) seems like the correct color? I have found pics of several Mercs that seem to show this same color, which I would describe as a light but bright blueish-green or turquoise.

You will notice this particular engine has the crank pulley and water pump pulleys in black. Is this correct? I have also seen engines with the full water pumps in black.

Since I don't know how to post several pics, I will place another message with another pic with what I refer to as the grayish-green color.


This message was edited by 36 conv sedan on 12-11-11 @ 2:05 PM

36 conv sedan    -- 12-11-2011 @ 2:11 PM
  This would be the second color I have seen... in at least two cars, but this particular pic comes from the engine of a very original '49 woody which was in a large woody collection, from Nick Alexander, if I recall correctly.

What color would be most close to the '49 correct color? the blueish green on the previous post or the grayish green on this one?

This one shows the water inlet parts housing the thermostats in black, which the '49-'51 Ford restorers guide calls correct for a Ford. Would Mercury use the same treatment?

By the way, I saw a fully restored '49 Lincoln Cosmopolitan coupe that seemed to show this same color. That is why I was wondering if Lincoln and Mercury would use the same shade of green.

Thanks for any help and opinions

TomO    -- 12-12-2011 @ 8:26 AM
  The first color looks more like the 53 Mercury color and the second one looks more correct, but dirty and faded.

I have seen the black crank pulleys and the black water pumps on the 49 Mercurys, but never just the pulleys painted black.

If you want the best answer, check with Ron Westwood.

If you want my opinion, and I am not an expert on the 49-53 Mercury, I would paint the water pumps engine color and the crank pulley, oil filler, oil breather black. At some point in time the Mercury engine had the same color oil pan as the engine, but I cannot remember the year, so I would paint it black also.


36 conv sedan    -- 12-15-2011 @ 5:00 PM
  Thanks Tom. Engine is in the painting process now. Should turn out reasonably well.

Thanks again for your help,

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