Topic: Ford/Mercury parts in the cow barn

ford38v8    -- 03-25-2011 @ 9:17 PM
  Most of us know of the passing of our good friend Waymon Brownlee. We know also that he and Shirley ran an antique Ford/Mercury parts house in rural Georgia.
The news is that Shirley was forced to give up the shop, and has stashed all those pretty collector car parts away in sheds on her farm. She'd much rather trade them for some genuine old greenbacks, but without Waymon, this sweet lady could use some help getting shet of all those old car parts.
Justin is fifteen now, and really misses Waymon a lot. Ask Shirley to have Justin fetch your part out of the hayloft for you, 'cause he's anxious to help.

Check out this neat article on the Brownlees from back in 2008:

Friends and would'a been friends are invited to give Shirley a call to see if she has that part you still need for your restoration. The cows would appreciate getting their barn back again, and your money is much better off in Shirley's pocket than it is rattling around in your IRA.
Shirley is in the Eastern Time Zone, so don't call in the middle of her night, but do call and tell her Alan sent you. She'll be glad hear from you and will set a while and talk if you'druther. Don't bother asking for her E-Mail Address, 'cause some folks don't bother with that stuff.

Phone 1 (770) 963-9631


ford38v8    -- 03-26-2011 @ 6:38 PM
  I'm bumping this post so more folks might read it. I put it on the Mercury forum, 'cause Waymon was more into Merc's than Ford. I hope I haven't offended anyone by posting this. Any feedback on it?


Daisy    -- 04-01-2011 @ 8:55 AM
  Tried calling the number you posted. Was referred to another number because the kid who answered wanted nothing to do with it. Called that number and a very gruff woman answered and it was like we were bothering her. Didn't have my crank hole cover but we tried. Must have caught them on a rought day.

ford38v8    -- 04-01-2011 @ 11:58 AM
  Daisy, I'm sorry you had a negative experience with your call to Shirley, and yes, I'm quite sure that she has many rough days without Waymon. If you knew the family and their problems before, you can visualize how hard it is on Shirley now. She is one of the nicest, sweetest ladies in the club, but we're all human and sometimes it's difficult to instantly put on a happy face for a voice on the telephone. Thank you for trying, and I hope you find your crank hole cover!


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