Topic: 351 Windsor Engine swap information

Tracker    -- 02-12-2025 @ 8:49 AM
  My original engine dropped a rod and demolished the block. I have a Windsor engine never used.. so considering swapping it rather than go back with a flat head since the car is no longer an original. If anyone on this forum has experience with this I would appreciate your experience. Specifically, I want to retain the transmission which is a 3 on the tree with BW overdrive. Can this be done and if so, does the original trans shaft mate up to the Windsor block ?

The Windsor may be a liitle strong for the original trans ...aware of that..but not a leadfoot anymore ...this car is a show cruiser only.

Thanks for all your responses.


zeke3    -- 02-12-2025 @ 5:22 PM
  It would be helpful to know what model of car you are wanting to install this engine in. Since this site is focused more on keeping the cars original, you might try a forum that is more focused on modifying cars like the

Back in 1967 I put a small block Ford V8 in my 1937 car. That is a long engine, the front sump oil pan had to be modified to avoid the front crossmember and the dash panel, aka firewall, had to be modified to fit the engine with the stock transmission in it’s original location. I assume the Windsor would present similar challenges. Good luck with your project.

Tracker    -- 02-13-2025 @ 6:07 AM
  Sorry my post did not identify the car ....the car is a 1951 Mercury Model B convertible.

trjford8    -- 02-13-2025 @ 7:20 AM
  The Windsor should fit right in the Merc. You will probably have to change the pan and find the adapter to mate the transmission. There should be plenty of room in the engine bay for it.

Tracker    -- 02-14-2025 @ 5:26 AM
  Thank you for your reply. I did find the adapter and you were correct....according to another article on this project ...its one of the better engine swaps for the 51 Mercury. It requires a different pan and got it on order from Speedway.

Still trying to determine if the trans shaft is the right diameter for the Windsor....will not know that until the current flathead is removed from car.

Not building a hot rod .....just a cruiser and trying to retain as much originality as possible. The price of a new replacement flathead would amaze you when we used to buy used ones back in the 50's...other wise I would prefer the flathead. Again, thank you for the response.


trjford8    -- 02-15-2025 @ 9:47 AM
  Not sure , but you may have to change the pilot bearing or bushing for the trans.

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