Topic: fuel line connection at tank

donnicoli    -- 03-01-2016 @ 3:38 PM
  on a 1940 sedan delivery is the fuel line connecetion at the tank done with a flare fitting? see photo of tank

ken ct.    -- 03-01-2016 @ 4:13 PM
  No I think that 1/2 x 20 compression fitting and ferrel like on the carb inlet. ken ct OMO

donnicoli    -- 03-01-2016 @ 9:02 PM
  that's what I thought, I used a ferrel and it leaked!
The seat in the tank is not tapered to accept the ferrel and it did not compress? the seat is flat not tapered, that's why I thought maybe it needs a flare?

ken ct.    -- 03-01-2016 @ 10:46 PM
  Is it possible someone in the past installed the wrong fitting at the tank. Don't think ive ever seen a flared gas fitting on a ford back then. ??? It would have to be a double flare if so. (diff than a single flare) ken ct.

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