Topic: 1940 woodgraining

donnicoli    -- 09-26-2013 @ 3:47 PM
  does anyone have a good recommendation for someone to do Walnut Woodgraining on garnish moldings?

kubes40    -- 09-26-2013 @ 4:26 PM
  Lauren Matley is in my opinion, the best.

donnicoli    -- 09-26-2013 @ 7:04 PM
  Thank you, I have contacted him.

woodiewagon46    -- 09-27-2013 @ 11:48 AM
  If you are going to Hershey you will see several woodgraining companies with their products on display.

woodiewagon46    -- 10-01-2013 @ 8:36 AM
  I had the same issue with the rubber rear fender fender guards from Drake. A couple of the mounting studs were off by a 1/4". Of course they were made off shore but I was able to TIG weld new studs in the correct location. You have to remember we are not dealing with Ford dies and molds. You might want to return your parts and look for a set that can be rechromed.

mike1    -- 10-13-2013 @ 2:25 PM
  What is the correct woodgraining for 1940 standard sedan
on garnish mouldings??

kubes40    -- 10-14-2013 @ 9:02 AM
  The Ford V8 models utilized a light brown walnut grain pattern on the window moldings. I had just last year given Lauren Mately a beautiful authentic molding to use in duplicating the finish. Hopefully he maintained the record of the correct process.
Mike Kubarth

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