Topic: Winterization

JayRM    -- 11-15-2021 @ 6:13 AM
  For us who live in a clime requiring winterization and hibernation of our cars, how do you other members go about this task?

JayChicago    -- 11-15-2021 @ 1:34 PM
  Here's my routine, which I gathered from others on this form:

Change the oil, which I do once a year just before winter storage. Drive the car one more time to circulate the fresh oil additives.

I think about the anti-freeze, but normally nothing to be done with that. The coolant was flushed and got fresh 50-50 antifreeze mix within the past few years. That's good to -32F, below my area's all-time record low temperature. (warmer climate can use less antifreeze) If during the year I had to top off the coolant, was careful to add a 50-50 mix. If in doubt, I will check the coolant with an antifreeze tester.

Park the car in it's place in the garage and disconnect the ground strap off the battery. This eliminates the risk of electrical fire. Good idea to do this even for short-time storage.

Close all windows and doors and put the dust cover over the car. I have rat and mouse poison placed around the garage floor. Sometimes see evidence that a critter has visited, but of course he never returned. So far, never had a problem with them getting in/on the car.

I then say good night and don't touch it until spring. Not good to do periodic starts during the storage months. If the car can't be driven for 30 minutes or more it shouldn't be stated. This is true during the driving season, too.

Edit: Forgot to mention: StaBil in the gasoline.

This message was edited by JayChicago on 11-16-21 @ 9:08 AM

Jacques1960    -- 11-15-2021 @ 6:09 PM
  Fresh Cab rodent repellent in engine bay and interior, steel wool in tail pipe.

Anti-flat wheel rests or Jack stands if you don’t plan on moving the car at all

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