Topic: Total grease (zerk) fittings on a 1940 car

sarahcecelia    -- 07-13-2017 @ 5:34 PM
  Mike "Kubes" "How many on my 1940 car?" I counted (9) in my "1932 -1940 Ford Mercury Manual.",on figure 9.

Regards, Steve Lee

kubes40    -- 07-14-2017 @ 6:28 AM
Please refer to this thread: 40 ford 17 grease fittings -- page: 1 2 3

It is fairly well detailed and as a bonus, you can quickly see me making a blunder

The thread can be searched or if you want to physically find it, it is about 25 or so threads back...

Mike "Kube" Kubarth

sarahcecelia    -- 07-15-2017 @ 5:37 PM
  I believe you over that manual Mike, that's why I addressed the question to you, but where can I see a drawing that shows all 17? As I said in my post, the Repair Manual for Ford,that I referred to in my question, shows only (9. If there are no other diagrams that show all 17, I'll just have to really look hard for those additional zerk fittings.when I lube my 1940 car.

Regards, Steve Lee

This message was edited by sarahcecelia on 7-15-17 @ 5:40 PM

sarahcecelia    -- 07-15-2017 @ 5:47 PM
  Looked back and saw the post by Thunder Road. !7 zerk fitings. Still would like to see where the other 8 are that aren't on the drawing in the manual.

Regards, Steve Lee

kubes40    -- 07-16-2017 @ 7:24 AM
  There are sixteen lubrication (pressure gun grease) fittings. My initial response to the original thread was incorrect and soon thereafter I had posted my apology and the corrected information. Here's what you are looking for on the '40 Ford passenger car:

There is one at each tie rod end (total of three).
There is one at the drag link end (total one).
There are two per spindle pin (total four).
There is one at the top of the shift linkage beneath the hood (total one).
There is one at the clutch actuating lever (total one).
There is one at the brake pedal pivot bushing (total one).
There is one at the clutch pedal pivot bushing (total one).
There is one at the universal joint cover (total one).
There is one at the center bearing of the torque tube (total one).
There is one at each end of the clutch release shaft (total two).

Mike "Kube" Kubarth

TomO    -- 07-16-2017 @ 8:27 AM
  Steve Lee, If you look closely at the drawing in the manual, you will see all 16 fittings marked with A. The drawing shows more than 1 fitting for each A.


sarahcecelia    -- 07-16-2017 @ 2:34 PM
  Thank you Mike, and Tom!!

Regards, Steve Lee

sarahcecelia    -- 07-16-2017 @ 2:37 PM
  Mike and Tom, A lot of guys out there will need that info about the "zerk" fittings on a 1940 Ford! You have both done a service to the site!!

Regards, Steve Lee

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