Topic: Oil Type

alsmith39    -- 02-16-2017 @ 7:39 AM
  I need to know what the best oil weight and or brand to put in my newly rebuilt engine. Should I put the aftermarket oil canister back on? I do not believe that it does much good.

kubes40    -- 02-16-2017 @ 11:44 AM
  In my opinion the authentic oil filter does little good. However, it does some good so you'll need to decide if it is worthwhile.

I do not install the filters on my restorations as the engines are properly rebuilt and the oil is certain to be changed in quick intervals.

Did your rebuilder suggest an oil? I use Castrol 10w/50 in my engines. Perhaps a bit p[ricey but in my opinion, a worthy hedge to keep that fresh engine "fresh".

alsmith39    -- 02-16-2017 @ 11:55 AM
  Thank You

len47merc    -- 02-16-2017 @ 1:12 PM
  There are several 'break-in' oils intended to be run for 500-1,000 miles on a new motor that have high levels of ZDDP that are 'designed' for classic car and race engines (what a spread 'eh?) break-in only. Their usefulness is a point of debate on every Forum you go on, but if important to you search for 'break-in' motor oils and you should find them easily. Brad Penn comes to mind for me.

On the flip, any quality name-brand 10W-30 or 40 (or 50 as kubes40 suggests) will work fine for the (long) life of your engine. I am a Castol fan for all of my cars including the '47, others Valvoline, etc., etc..

My '47 came factory with the oil canister and although it provides minimal filtering I still install a fresh element every oil change from force of old-school habit. Could just as easily live without it and the time/expense to change it but it was put there for a reason and if something provides some degree of functionality, albeit marginal at best, I still try to keep it functional. It's called being anal I guess. Fwiw -


cliftford    -- 02-16-2017 @ 3:48 PM
  Here's my 25c worth [adjusted for inflation]: the best oil you could buy 50-60 years ago was not as good as the cheapest oil you can get today. That's one reason, in my opinion, we're getting 200-300k miles on our modern engines. Back in the day it was common to change oil every 1000 miles and the filter every 3rd or 4th oil change, and still the engines didn't last like they do today. As for our flathead oil filters, cut one apart some time that has 3-4k miles on it. It might surprise you what you find.

This message was edited by cliftford on 2-16-17 @ 5:18 PM

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